
You ‘Shellac’ Your Face…

A couple of weeks ago, I was reading Emily Maynard’s blog and saw where shementioned her make-up not staying on for long. She made the comment that shewished there were such thing as a ‘shellac’ for your face.

It was not hard to sell me on this powder seeing that I have obnoxiously oily skin and my makeup literally detaches from my skin and slides down my face the minute I walk out of my front door. Okay, so maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration but that is how it feels.

In reference to foundation, I have learned that you get what you pay for, thus my  need for higher end foundation (my favorite in the winter is Kat Von De’s ‘Lock It’ and my summer go-to is by YSL). Even with a fancy foundation, this Arkansas heat puts up a good fight against my false face (that’s what my dad calls it, lol!).

The Banana Luxury Powder that Emily Maynard recommended has proven to be worthwhilein my opinion. At the $12-14 price point, I was not skeptical to give it a try.

Here are my opinions:
Highly recommended for those who have oily skin. I used this powder as my actualsetting powder and was pleased with my face’s lack of shine throughout the day!
Helps to keep make-up in place throughout the day. I wouldn’t necessarily call it ‘shellac’for your face, but because it reduces oiliness, it does help keep my makeup on throughout the day. I have a feeling if I used a setting spray on top of the powder it would would have a more ‘shellac’-like tendencies. 
Supposedly this is Kim K.’s go-to product for highlighting her face. We all know that Kimmy K is the contouring queen, so I gave it a try… I used an under eye concealer and then set it with the Banana Luxury Powder. That definitely lit upthe darker part of my face, but it wasn’t as drastic as I hoped.  I plan on practicing with a few other products to see if I can use it like Kim does.

Bottomline: this product should be in your makeup bag unless your skin has a tendency to be dry. I purchased the 3 ounce bottle for $12 and I have a feeling it will last a couple of years!


A few photos from this weekend.
{Harry & Georgie, my sisters kids!}

Shopping/Church Social with my sister!

Love, love, love life with John Gemma! <3


Thanks for reading!! <3

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18 thoughts on “You ‘Shellac’ Your Face…

  1. I have wanted the banana powder for about a year now, but every time I go to order it, it is sold out! I love the picture of the fireworks going off…for some reason it is like amazing to me, haha!

    Xo, Kelsey

  2. I have never heard of this, but I am dying to try it as my makeup NEVER EVER stays, sad face. Question, do you just brush it on like you would say BareMinerals Mineral Veil? Oh and I love your pictures and I am super jealous of your leopard print flats. Have a happy 4th!


  3. I am for sure going ot have to try this product soon!! i have the same problem you do and it drive me nuts!! hopefully it works great on me too!! have a great 4th!!

  4. I'll have to try that! Although most of the year I have dry skin and use moisturizer liberally, in the summer and with the humidity, I feel like I could use a little powder! Love the eiffel tower too. 🙂 And I'm totally a loyal Emily Maynard fan! haha! I love her site…

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