Sharing a few picks from the 25% OFF Shopbop Sale!
2. Black Tassel Earrings (come in other colors, too!)
I’m trying to finish up some spring (& summer) shopping.. for before and after baby. I know when he gets here I’ll be so completely distracted and probably living in sweats so I’m trying to be proactive and make sure I’m set for summer. Both pair of jeans in the photos above come HIGHLY recommended. I have said before but #5 is the best blue jean ever – I have THREE pair. They wash so well and hold up for days… :):) And the white ones – I got my first pair of those 2-3 years ago and I’m so glad they are still being made bc they are EASILY the best white ripped skinnies. I’m just glad they keep coming back in stock!!
Any who, John’s got today off!!! I’m so happy! He’s on ICU so he works 6 days a week – 12 hours a day. I miss him a lot – but the nice thing is, I get SO much done when he’s gone!! Anyone else like that?! Like, I legit take care of business when he’s gone. He’s at Lowes as we speaking trying to hunt down some things for our bathroom – we need something to hang towels on. We knocked out the wall where the towel rack goes so we are trying to get creative with having no wall space.